Lisa speaks to Motivate, Strengthen & Empower 

Bringing you a new perspective on Making Wellness a Priority™  and Bringing Health to Health and Safety™

Elevate your next event with the dynamic presence of Lisa Lounsbury, a passionate, engaging, and energizing international keynote speaker who will captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact. 

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About Lisa

Meet Lisa, the powerhouse behind New Day Wellness Inc. and the New Day Wellness Academy, boasting an impressive three decades of expertise in fitness and wellness. As an International Speaker, Author, Global Educator, and a Certified Lifestyle & Wellness Coach, she's on a mission to revolutionize well-being. With her own TV and podcast show, "Your Wellness," Lisa's commitment to prioritizing health and safety knows no bounds.

But here's the magic: Lisa's presentations aren't just talks; they're experiences.  Infused with boundless energy, movement, and an undeniable connection with her audience, she empowers individuals to take charge of their wellness journey like never before. Her secret sauce? A blend of humor and compassion that resonates with all, inspiring action both physically and mentally.

Lisa's impact transcends industries. From Health and Safety Conferences to Staff Retreats and beyond, she's the go-to guru for fostering healthier workplace cultures.  As a Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and a Mentor for Toastmasters International, Lisa's ability to captivate and empower is unparalleled.

Here's the bottom line:

"Being healthy and safe doesn't have to be that complicated." With Lisa leading the charge, wellness becomes not just a goal, but a thrilling journey for all who dare to join her. 

is now available!

You can now order your copy of 

Making Wellness a Priority today!



For leaders, it is paramount to exercise control over their responses to negative and stressful circumstances. By effectively managing reactions in a healthy and secure manner, both leaders and their teams can flourish. Leaders who maintain emotional balance showcase inclusivity, fostering an environment of trust and mutual respect among team members.


In the midst of societal challenges posed by an ever-evolving world, it becomes crucial to comprehend the profound influence of our unconscious biases and the innate desire for inclusion on our collective ability to collaborate effectively towards shared objectives. Embracing the true essence of diversity need not be a convoluted endeavour. In her compelling and impactful discourse, Lisa sheds light on the simplicity of understanding diversity while highlighting how fostering inclusion renews our focus on our shared humanity. Prepare to be engaged as she ignites a transformative conversation on this vital topic.


Embark on a transformative exploration of the profound connection between this concept and the Fear of Failure, a formidable force that can render your journey towards success and resilience immobile. Prepare to be captivated as you delve into the captivating realm of the Abilene Paradox, where the shackles of familiar routines have the power to stifle growth and deter the emergence of fresh prospects. Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring and empowering experience, as you acquire invaluable knowledge on the art of embracing failure and executing swift and strategic pivots. Unleash your potential and propel forward with heightened efficiency, armed with the wisdom to Fail Fast & Pivot, unlocking a pathway towards triumphant progress.

“When you lose, don’t lose the lesson” – Dalai Lama.”


The detrimental impact of diminished communication skills and memory loss extends beyond our individual experiences, significantly contributing to the prevailing global mental illness crisis. However, there is a glimmer of hope: Digital Dementia can be mitigated and even reversed if we wholeheartedly address it. Brace yourself for an engaging journey led by Lisa, as she weaves captivating narratives, unveiling the stark realities of today’s society. Her profound storytelling prowess will not only raise awareness but also inspire and motivate you to take immediate action.


Delve into a thought-provoking exploration of the true essence of workplace safety. While many health and safety policies and procedures focus primarily on safety, an essential component often gets overlooked: the mental health and well-being of employees. In her enlightening presentation, Lisa will illuminate the concept of a “fully-protective” personal protective equipment (PPE), unveiling the crucial role it plays in safeguarding against critical injuries. Prepare to broaden your understanding as Lisa demonstrates the significance of nurturing both physical and mental well-being for comprehensive workplace safety.


Join Lisa on an immersive journey as she presents a captivating exploration of the contrasting realities that await based on your choices regarding health. Discover the transformative potential that lies in prioritizing your well-being, contrasting it with the consequences of neglecting self-care. Prepare to unravel the excuses that hinder progress and witness how you can overcome them all. It’s time to unveil the underlying factors of the STOPS and STARTS of your wellness journey’s momentum and embrace a path of continuous growth and vitality.  This method has become so effective that it is available as an on-line course through the New Day Wellness Academy and in a book with the same name!


Beyond the evident environmental hazards in the workplace, workers often grapple with mental and physical challenges that introduce an element of risk, such as workplace fatigue. This presentation will deeply engage the audience on emotional and physical levels, empowering them to enact essential changes in both personal and professional realms. By embracing these changes, individuals can reap the rewards of improved sleep, while effectively sidestepping the perils associated with worker fatigue. Prepare to be inspired and equipped with the tools to prioritize well-being and create a safer, more productive work environment.


In the wake of the pandemic, mental illness has emerged as a prevalent global disability. In a post-pandemic world, fostering the mental well-being of employees has become paramount, as the workplace thrives on healthy-minded individuals. It is imperative to address the persistent stigma surrounding mental illness and dismantle the barriers that impede open dialogue. Drawing upon recent stories of individuals grappling with mental health challenges and backed by extensive research, Lisa will shed light on the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses. Moreover, she will empower attendees by showcasing how anyone can make an immediate and meaningful difference in the lives of those who are suffering. Together, let us foster a culture of compassion, support, and understanding, as we navigate the path towards a mentally resilient post-pandemic world.

I have seen Lisa work with challenging groups. She had them laughing, engaged, and most important: learning. She is passionate about safety, health & wellness and it shows in everything she does.

P. Hulschilt Professional Speaker

Lisa always has a powerful message and is able to deliver it in an engaging and entertaining manner. I’ve often watched her lead the show at conferences and events and she has a contagious energy that allows her to influence and motivate her audience every time.

S.Tomchick President & Founder of Plan A Long Term Care Staffing & Recruitment

Lisa Lounsbury is a very dynamic and energetic person, who consistently delivers high quality workshops and keynotes. Her sessions are always “standing room only”, and every person who attends her talks always makes a point of telling me how excellent she was! She is very professional and knowledgeable, with an excellent work ethic.