Executive Wellness Coaching

Pricing Schedule

Unlock Your Full Potential with your Wellness Coach Lisa Lounsbury

Wellness Packages

These virtual wellness sessions are available for your Personal Wellness, Leadership Training and/or Public Speaking coaching.

option 1 - $200/houR

Single sessions are ideal for those seeking guidance on a specific goal that requires at quick turnaround and acts as an as-needed option.

option 2 - $1000 for 6 Sessions (1 Bonus session included)

These one hour sessions are strategically crafted to help you identify and work towards specific goals that require ongoing coaching and steadfast accountability support.

option 3 - $2000 for 12 sessions (2 bonus sessions included)

This package is created for a deep and meaningful wellness transformation. It's tailored to those seeking a higher and sustained level of mentorship and unwavering accountability.

How this can work for you

You have the flexibility to schedule these virtual coaching sessions on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, depending on your individual requirements. 

If you're unsure about the frequency that suits you best, this can determined after your initial session.

Experience the transformative power of executive wellness coaching with Lisa Lounsbury at New Day Wellness Inc. These services are tailored to your unique needs and goals:

  • Personalized Coaching: Lisa provides one-on-one guidance to help you define and achieve your wellness objectives.

  • Goal Setting: Together, establish clear and achievable wellness goals.

  • Holistic Approach: Lisa combines physical, mental, and emotional wellness strategies for a balanced life.

  • Ongoing Support: Stay motivated and accountable with regular check-ins and support.

  • Flexible Options: Choose the package that suits your timeline and goals.

Invest in your well-being and unlock your full potential with New Day Wellness Inc.